TLDR: grab the source code or add it locally with dotnet file add . (leveraging dotnet-file).

Open AI recently introduced support for structured outputs in the API, and the final stable release of the .NET API for it released a mere 9 days ago has full support for leveraging that. By then, a post on X by David Fowler on a new JsonSchemaExporter made total sense (and I’m sure something official is coming down the pipe soon for the official SDK).

So I set out to try combining all things together in a simple extension method:

var client = new OpenAIClient(configuration["OpenAI:Key"]!);
var chat = client.GetChatClient("gpt-4o");

var movies = await chat.CompleteChatAsync<Movie[]>([
    // message(s)

The generic version of the existing CompleteChatAsync method should do the following automatically:

  1. Use the new JsonSchemaExporter to generate a schema for the type T
  2. Cache the schema for future use
  3. Set the relevant option in the OpenAI API to use the schema
  4. Parse the response into the type T and return it.
  5. If the type is an array/enumerable, wrap your T in a Values<T> to workaround the OpenAI limitation that the schema root element must be an object (not an array).
View ChatClientTypedExtensions.cs

The code is fairly straightforward, with some things to note:

  • I add support for fetching the [Description(...)] attribute from properties, since that can be helpful for the LLM to interpret how to parse a given property. This is done with a TransformSchemaNode callback in the JsonSchemaExporterOptions:

      var node = JsonSchemaExporter.GetJsonSchemaAsNode(jsonOptions, typeof(T), 
          new JsonSchemaExporterOptions
              TreatNullObliviousAsNonNullable = true,
              TransformSchemaNode = (context, node) =>
                  var description = context.PropertyInfo?.AttributeProvider?.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false)
                  if (description != null)
                      node["description"] = description;
                  return node;
  • The exporter allows passing a JsonSerializerOptions, and I found that requiring strict number handling works best:

      static JsonSerializerOptions jsonOptions = new(JsonSerializerDefaults.Web)
          TypeInfoResolver = new DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver(),
          PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true,
          PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase,
          NumberHandling = System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonNumberHandling.Strict,
  • Since the OpenAI API requires the root element to be an object, I wrap the array in a Values<T> class:

      public class Values<T>
          public required T Data { get; set; }

    I detect this at the beginning of the method by checking for an array element type or generic type parameter (for IEnumerable<T>, List<T>, etc.) and adjust the code to use the Values<T> wrapper accordingly before returning the actual Data for the requested type.

So let’s try this in a simple console app that scraps an IMDB list such as popular thriller movies rated 6+ with over 50k votes:

Let’s first see what we’ll render:

IMDB Thriller Movies

We’ll need a couple simple record classes to hold that movie info:

public record Movie(string Title, int Year, TimeSpan Duration, string AgeRating, StarsRating Stars, string Url);

public record StarsRating(double Stars, long Votes);

Then let’s set the console encoding plus collect the URL and we’ll just use a user secret for the OpenAI key:

Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

var url = "";
// Allow passing the URL as an argument to the script
if (args.Length > 0)
    url = args[0];

var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

var client = new OpenAIClient(configuration["OpenAI:Key"] ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Missing OpenAI key"));
var chat = client.GetChatClient("gpt-4o");

Web pages typically have a lot of stuff that we don’t really need for scraping, namely the <head> section, styles and scripts, etc. I use my Devlooped.Web library that does that cleanup already by default for me:

using var http = new HttpClient();

var html = await http.GetStringAsync(url);
var body = HtmlDocument.Parse(html).CssSelectElement("body")!.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting);

Now for the actual typed chat invocation that will do the magic scraping and return the a typed array of Movie objects from IMDB:

var movies = await chat.CompleteChatAsync<Movie[]>(
        new SystemChatMessage(
            You are an HTML page scraper. 
            You use exclusively the data in the following HTML page to parse and return a list of movies.
            You perform smart type conversion and parsing as needed to fit the result schema in JSON format.
        new UserChatMessage(body),

That’s literally ALL it takes. Now let’s render it nicely using Spectre.Console:

var table = new Table()
    .Title("Top Thriller Movies")
    .AddColumn("Stars (Votes)");

foreach (var movie in movies!)
        $"{movie.Year} [italic]{movie.AgeRating}[/]",
        $"[dim]{movie.Duration.Humanize(2, collectionSeparator: " ")}[/]",
        $"[yellow]:star: {movie.Stars.Stars:0.0}[/] ({((double)movie.Stars.Votes).ToMetric()})");


Pretty mind-boggling what LLMs can do these days. Combined with a strong-typed API on top of the basic chat, this is becoming a very powerful tool for automating all sorts of tasks.
