How to generate code using Roslyn source generators in real world scenarios

Roslyn (as of 16.8 Preview 3) now brings first-class support for source code generators that run as part of a project compilation. The provided cookbook is a fantastic resource to get to know the capabilities and some specific scenarios this feature was created for. The carefully chosen set of features, driven by concrete scenarios, make for a powerful and flexible toolset to supercharge your nuget packages with. In this blog post I’ll outline how I’m using it, in light of my first real-world use case: ThisAssembly.

NOTE: if you haven’t read the aforementioned cookbook, this would be a good time.

One conspicuous detail left out of the cookbook is how to actually put together the generated code. Surely we’re not expected to use string concatenation for real, right?

How to actually create the generated code

Most (all?) of the code generators I’ve seen resort to “simple” string concatenating approaches to codegen. I happened to have done codegen for long enough to deeply distrust the “simplicity” they offer. There’s a reason why template-based codegen has a multitude of options and has been around for so long: that simplicity is just a shortcut. It works for a hello world sample, but it just doesn’t scale, it’s not maintainable, it’s hard to tweak and modify, even harder to grasp what the output really will look like (with loops and conditionals in between actual text), it’s plain awful and painful to work with.

I’ve used a whole bunch of approaches to this over the years, all the way from CodeDom back in the day to Roslyn raw APIs nowadays, with everything in-between (such as T3/T4 and Razor, reflection emit and expression tress). One thing I’ve definitely have come to realize is that what works best is:

  • Build a model
  • Apply a template

Any and all logic to process whatever your source is goes into the model building side of things (which can be nicely unit tested as needed), and the template is a very simple thing that just acts on that model and translates it to some output which is your generated stuff (can be code, XML, JSON, HTML, whatever).

After reading quite a bit on all the .NET-native approaches, I found Scriban to be the best suited for the job. I love the author’s extensive background and experience in various approaches and toolkits, which seem to have greatly informed his design choices with Scriban.

How to use Scriban in your source generator

As explained in the cookbook, your generator nuget dependencies must be included with your analyzer. I’m not a fan of the way the packaging of analyzers in general is suggested there, so I do it slightly different.


    <PackageReference Include="Scriban" Version="2.1.2" PrivateAssets="all" Pack="true" />

The BuildOutputTargetFolder property means our assembly will end up in analyzers/netstandard2.0 inside the package, so it will not become a lib dependency for consumers.

NOTE: this does mean that the analyzer would run for any language, as long as the consuming project targets netstandard2.0. This may or may not be what you want.
The documented alternative to have more control over that is to use explicit None items with PackagePath metadata pointing to analyzers/[tfm]/[lang] instead.

Presently, however, netstandard2.0 virtually equates dotnet (as in, all currently supported target frameworks/runtimes), and targeting all three main languages (C#, F# and VB) is quite trivial when using a text template. Moreover, as of .NET5.0 I believe source generators will only be supported for C#, so they wouldn’t even run for the other two, the extra simplicity of BuildOutputTargetFolder works for me.

The Pack=true metadata on the PackageReference works as I explained in my TIL: How to include package reference files in your nuget.

This is what an actual template looks like:

I simply embed the template files in the assembly, which is the most convenient way for me. Again, this can be done in a single place in the Directory.Build.targets:

    <EmbeddedResource Include="@(None -> WithMetadataValue('Extension', '.sbntxt'))" />

Then a simple helper method allows us to get its content at run-time:

    static class EmbeddedResource
        public static string GetContent(string relativePath)
            var baseName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;
            var resourceName = relativePath
                .Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, '.')
                .Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, '.');

            using var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
                .GetManifestResourceStream(baseName + "." + resourceName);

            if (stream == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
            return reader.ReadToEnd();

Since the Scriban template makes it so easy to support multiple target languages, I basically future-proof my generators by including templates for all three now, and they will just “light up” whenever Roslyn adds support for them in the future. Therefore, the code to lookup the template content and apply it to a model, is always the same and generic for all target languages:

public class MetadataGenerator : ISourceGenerator
    public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context) { }

    public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
        var model = ...; // build the model
        var language = context.ParseOptions.Language;
        // lookup CSharp.sbntxt, VisualBasic.sbntxt or FSharp.sbntxt
        var file = language.Replace("#", "Sharp") + ".sbntxt";
        var template = Template.Parse(EmbeddedResource.GetContent(file), file);
        // apply the template
        var output = template.Render(model, member => member.Name);

        // add the file
        context.AddSource("[HINT_NAME_OF_OUTPUT]", SourceText.From(output, Encoding.UTF8));

NOTE: even if I don’t provide a template for VB/F#, this code won’t fail presently since it will only be invoked for C# ;-)

Now on to some concrete scenarios I used that showcase the power and flexibility of source generators.

Debugging source generators

Basically, just add a System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch() :).

For a bit more added flexibility, and to avoid having to comment/uncomment that line all the time, I make debugging a configurable option via MSBuild.

There are two parts to enabling MSBuild configuration for your generator:

  1. Declaring the name of the property in targets file
  2. Reading it in the generator.

For debugging I define the following properties in a file named after the generator package ID (i.e. ThisAssembly.Metadata.targets):

    <CompilerVisibleProperty Include="DebugSourceGenerators" />
    <CompilerVisibleProperty Include="DebugThisAssemblyMetadata" />

The first property, when set to true in a build, will cause the Debugger.Launch to run for all generators. The second allow debugging a specific generator instead. Usage would be: msbuild -p:DebugThisAssemblyMetadata=true, for example.

We next have to include the targets file with the analyzer, but it needs to go to the build package folder. This can be done generically too in the Directory.Build.targets:

    <_PackageFiles Include="*.props" PackagePath="build/$(TargetFramework)" />
    <_PackageFiles Include="*.targets" PackagePath="build/$(TargetFramework)" />

(I include .props generically too since some generators need those too)

Finally, the debugger check helper:

static class GeneratorExtensions
    public static void CheckDebugger(this GeneratorExecutionContext context, string generatorName)
        if (context.AnalyzerConfigOptions.GlobalOptions.TryGetValue("build_property.DebugSourceGenerators", out var debugValue) &&
            bool.TryParse(debugValue, out var shouldDebug) &&
        else if (context.AnalyzerConfigOptions.GlobalOptions.TryGetValue("build_property.Debug" + generatorName, out debugValue) &&
            bool.TryParse(debugValue, out shouldDebug) &&

NOTE: if I wanted this capability only for DEBUG builds, I could simply add [Conditional("DEBUG")] to the above method.

We simply access the MSBuild property as documented in the cookbook and attempt to parse it as a boolean to determine whether the debugger should be launched. Now all my generators can include a single line of code (usually the first in the Execute method) that I never have to remove:


Generating ThisAssembly.Metadata

Once scenario I’ve used codegen in the past and am quite fond of, is to access values provided by the build via MSBuild project properties and items. In the past I created MSBuilder.ThisAssembly.Metadata, for example, to pull assembly attributes into a code class with constants.

I ported the concept to Roslyn source generators and the result is available as the ThisAssembly.Metadata package:

The basic concept is that in any project (.NET 5.0 SDK or later), you can readily add assembly metadata by simply adding items via MSBuild (support added by yours truly ;)):

      <AssemblyMetadata Include="Foo" Value="Bar" />

Which is automatically turned into the following attribute in the generated AssemblyInfo.cs in your obj folder:

  [assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute("Foo", "Bar")]

Even though you can access that metadata by using reflection, that’s comparatively slower and more annoying than simply accessing a constant like ThisAssembly.Metadata.Foo, say.

This is probably the simplest of generators, since we don’t need to access MSBuild information and can instead just rely on the current compilation passed to the generator to contain the attributes shown above.

The generator basically accesses the current compilation and looks for all attributes in it:

public class MetadataGenerator : ISourceGenerator
    public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context) { }

    public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
        var metadata = context.Compilation.Assembly.GetAttributes()
            .Where(x => x.AttributeClass?.Name == nameof(System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute) &&
            .ToDictionary(x => (string)x.ConstructorArguments[0].Value, x => (string)x.ConstructorArguments[1].Value);

That metadata becomes my Model for the template:

    public class Model
        public Model(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> metadata) => Metadata = metadata.ToList();

        public string Version => Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(3);

        public List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> Metadata { get; }

Which is rendered with the template shown above in the Scriban section.

The entirety of the shipping generator is:

public class MetadataGenerator : ISourceGenerator
    public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context) { }

    public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)

        var metadata = context.Compilation.Assembly.GetAttributes()
            .Where(x => x.AttributeClass?.Name == nameof(System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute) &&
            .Select(x => new KeyValuePair<string, string>((string)x.ConstructorArguments[0].Value, (string)x.ConstructorArguments[1].Value))
            .Distinct(new KeyValueComparer())
            .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

        var model = new Model(metadata);
        var language = context.ParseOptions.Language;
        var file = language.Replace("#", "Sharp") + ".sbntxt";
        var template = Template.Parse(EmbeddedResource.GetContent(file), file);
        var output = template.Render(model, member => member.Name);

        context.ApplyDesignTimeFix(output, "ThisAssembly.Metadata", language);
        context.AddSource("ThisAssembly.Metadata", SourceText.From(output, Encoding.UTF8));

The next ones are similarly simple and concise.

Generating ThisAssembly.Project

This generator results in a similar end-user experience:

But the goal here is to allow arbitrary MSBuild properties to end up there, without having corresponding assembly-level attributes, like the previous generator. I hacked this in the past with MSBuild, but it was sketchy (using reflection to access MSBuild properties by name, ugh). This time around, I can be legit :).

The intended usage is to declare properties you want to get as constants via MSBuild items, similar to AssemblyMetadata items:

    <ProjectProperty Include="PackageId" />

The generator includes a few out of the box too in this very fashion.

This source generator is interesting because we have to coordinate more deeply the MSBuild side and the generator side. Namely: we have to turn those items into compiler visible properties, but also need to tell the source geneator which properties were opted-in to codegen, since we don’t want to just emit all CompilerVisibleProperty since that might include others used internally for other generators.

The targets file builds up a property containing the oped-in props and does the item group conversion as needed:

  <Target Name="InjectThisAssemblyProject" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild;CompileDesignTime">
      <ThisAssemblyProject>@(ProjectProperty, '|')</ThisAssemblyProject>
    <ItemGroup Condition="'$(ThisAssemblyProject)' != ''">
      <CompilerVisibleProperty Include="@(ProjectProperty)" />
      <CompilerVisibleProperty Include="ThisAssemblyProject" />

The source generator will receive a | separated list of opted-in properties to using the ThisAssemblyProject MSBuild property. And it will also have access to all the compiler visible properties as usual, so it can use the first to filter the second.

The way these compiler visible properties work is that the built-in SDK targets will generate a .editorconfig in your obj/Debug folder (plus target framework), containing the values. So for the out of the box + PackageId property, it will look like the following when you install ThisAssembly.Project:

is_global = true
build_property.DebugSourceGenerators = 
build_property.DebugThisAssemblyProject = 
build_property.RootNamespace = ClassLibrary6
build_property.AssemblyName = ClassLibrary6
build_property.TargetFrameworkVersion = v2.0
build_property.TargetFrameworkIdentifier = .NETStandard
build_property.TargetFrameworkMoniker = .NETStandard,Version=v2.0
build_property.PackageId = ClassLibrary6
build_property.ThisAssemblyProject = RootNamespace|AssemblyName|TargetFrameworkVersion|TargetFrameworkIdentifier|TargetFrameworkMoniker|PackageId

The astute reader will notice that the semi-colon character ; marks the beginning of a comment in .editorconfig, so if we had used the default concatenation for items in MSBuild:


We would have ended with this in the .editorconfig:

build_property.ThisAssemblyProject = RootNamespace;AssemblyName;TargetFrameworkVersion;TargetFrameworkIdentifier;TargetFrameworkMoniker;PackageId

Which would be interpreted as RootNamespace followed by a comment! The generator would only ever see the first property in the @(ProjectProperty) item group! (this was quite the head scratcher ;))

Back at the generator code now, we first read the propertly list and then get all the properties using the same mechanism, filtering only those that do have a value:

public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)

    if (!context.AnalyzerConfigOptions.GlobalOptions.TryGetValue("build_property.ThisAssemblyProject", out var properties))

    var metadata = properties.Split('|')
        .Select(prop => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(prop,
            context.AnalyzerConfigOptions.GlobalOptions.TryGetValue("build_property." + prop, out var value) ? 
            value : null))
        .Where(pair => pair.Value != null)
        .Distinct(new KeyValueComparer())
        .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

    var model = new Model(metadata);

The rest of the method is the same as the previous generator, and the template is almost the same too, except for the nested class name which is Project now instead of Metadata.

Generating ThisAssembly.Info

The third and final generator for this point emits constants for the common attributes applied to the assembly by default when you build an SDK-style project:

With the discussion of the previous two generators, I think you, dear reader, will have no problems making sense of its source, since it looks (unsurprisingly) very similar to the ones shown above.

Next up is the (somewhat popular) netfx-System.StringResources :)

Stay tunned for more source generator galore!

Tags: roslyn codegen

/kzu dev↻d