How to retry failing dotnet tests in GitHub Actions


  - name: đŸ§Ș test
    shell: bash --noprofile --norc {0}
      LC_ALL: en_US.utf8
    run: |
      while [ $counter -lt 6 ]
          if [ $filter ]
              echo -e "${warn}Retry $counter for $filter ${reset}"
          # run test and forward output also to a file in addition to stdout (tee command)
          dotnet test --no-build --filter=$filter | tee ./output.log
          # capture dotnet test exit status, different from tee
          if [ $exitcode == 0 ]
              exit 0
          # cat output, get failed test names, join as DisplayName=TEST with |, remove trailing |.
          filter=$(cat ./output.log | grep -o -P '(?<=\sFailed\s)\w*' | awk 'BEGIN { ORS="|" } { print("DisplayName=" $0) }' | grep -o -P '.*(?=\|$)')
      exit $exitcode

I had some networking-related tests that were (expectedly) kinda flaky. But rather than disable them in CI, I thought it would be better to just retry failed tests a few times to ensure good coverage and avoid unexpected actual failures. Unfortunately, the isn’t a way with plain dotnet test to automatically rerun failed ones, and there isn’t a built-in task like in Azure Pipeline that will do that.

So after a couple hours brushing up my (non-existent) bash-fu, I came up with the above script.

NOTE: I could have used Powershell Core, sure. But I wanted to see what it would look like in bash too. Also, pwsh isn’t everyone’s favorite shell either, so why not?

So, explaining what the above does beyond the obvious:

  • shell: bash --noprofile --norc {0}: since the script detects dotnet test failures, we need to disable fail-fast behavior which is on by default when using just shell: bash. The thing that does the trick is the {0} template string. Here we just copy the other options that GH Actions uses by default, and exclude the pipefail one which is the one that can trip the script.

  • LC_ALL: en_US.utf8: I’ve no idea what this was all about, but it kept failing just on Windows. So, StackOverflow to the rescue, and it Just Works ÂŻ_(ツ)_/ÂŻ

  • reset and warn values: these are used to color the Retry message in the output. It was another trip to the web.

  • tee command after dotnet test: I wanted to let the test run output show in the console, but also need to capture that output to a file to detect failed tests easily. That’s precisely what that tee command does.

  • ${PIPESTATUS[0]}: since I pipe dotnet test to tee, but I still want to get the final exit code from the former, not the latter, so, another learning! Since that variable is reset as soon as another pipeline is executed, I need to capture its value in exitcode, for later reference when exiting the loop after the 5 retries.

  • $filter: you can pass an empty --filter= argument to dotnet test and it will happily run all tests in that case. Which is why I can place it directly inside the while. The format for the filter is a pipe (|) separated list of DisplayName=[TEST]. Populating this as a single string using a pipeline of various *nix primitives took a bit of time, but the result looks super compact and clean. Let’s go over it by segment:

    • cat ./output.log: just read the file written by tee
    • grep -o -P '(?<=\sFailed\s)\w*': the output you see in the console when you run dotnet test contains [xUnit...] DISPLAYNAME_OF_TEST [FAIL] but the actual log doesn’t have that format. It’s simply ` Failed DISPLAYNAME_OF_TEST [n ms], so I regex for that using a positive look-behind. From what I gathered, the -P switch is required to allow for that kind of expression, and -o` means “output just the matched string, not the entire line”.
    • awk 'BEGIN { ORS="|" } { print("DisplayName=" $0) }': oh boy, concatenating all values from grep with | took some digging. Yeah, I’m that newbie. But what this command does is set the “record separator” to | before running the other “lambda” in a loop for each value and concatenating them all.
    • grep -o -P '.*(?=\|$)'): the resulting string from the concatenation contains a trailing | at this point, and amazingly, there is no TrimEnd feature at all in bash. So, another regex but this time with a positive look-ahead instead ÂŻ_(ツ)_/ÂŻ

And that’s about it. 22 LoC with no dependencies whatesoever and that can run everywhere.

A note on macOS

Turns out the -o and -P options do not exist in BSD grep (which ships with macOS) but are from GNU grep \o/. The “right” version can trivially be installed with brew install grep but that will not become the grep in the PATH. Changing the script to use ggrep instead as mentioned in StackOverflow is hardly convenient. So changing the PATH to prepend the new grep path seems best.

There are various options for changing PATH within a shell script but the one I found easiest to integrate with GH Actions was to conditionally generate a .bash_profile file in a step and conditionally load it from the main script if the file exists, like so:

  - name: ⚙ GNU grep
    if: matrix.os == 'macOS-latest'
    run: |
      brew install grep
      echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/grep/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"' >> .bash_profile

  - name: đŸ§Ș test
    shell: bash --noprofile --norc {0}
      LC_ALL: en_US.utf8
    run: |
      [ -f .bash_profile ] && source .bash_profile

In this particular case I’m using a matrix strategy like:

      os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macOS-latest]

Which drives the conditional if above. The first line in the script shown at the beginning now just needs to source the file if it exists: [ -f .bash_profile ] && source .bash_profile.


Tags: dotnet github ci

/kzu dev↻d